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What is the Difference Between Memory Care and Assisted Living?

What is the Difference Between Memory Care and Assisted Living?

A senior man relaxing on the sofa at the dementia care in Omaha, NE

Understanding the different types of care available for seniors, especially those living with dementia, can be challenging. At CountryHouse in Omaha, we know how important it is to find the right environment for your loved one. That’s why we specialize in dementia care in Omaha, NE, providing joyful living and expert support for those with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. But what exactly sets memory care apart from assisted living? Let’s explore the differences to help you make the best decision for your loved one.

The Essence of Memory Care

Memory care is a specialized type of senior care tailored specifically for individuals living with various forms of dementia. At CountryHouse, we focus solely on this aspect, ensuring our residents receive the most comprehensive and compassionate care possible. Our community in Omaha, nestled in the tranquil Millard area, and our sister community in nearby Elkhorn, offer a homelike environment where residents can feel safe and supported.

Assisted Living: A Broader Focus

Assisted living, on the other hand, caters to a wider range of senior needs. While it does provide support for daily living activities, it’s not exclusively focused on dementia care. Assisted living communities offer a level of independence for seniors who require some assistance but do not need the specialized memory care that CountryHouse provides.

Key Features of Our Memory Care Community

When choosing a memory care community for your loved one, there are a few factors you should consider. Any quality memory care will have these features available:

Expert Memory Care: 

Focused on the unique challenges of cognitive decline, our staff is well-versed in providing compassionate assistance at every stage. Due to the nature of dementia, it is vital that staff members receive ongoing, continuous training on how to assist those living with the disease. In turn, this provides residents with the best care possible.  

Homelike and Secure Environment: 

We balance safety with a welcoming atmosphere, featuring a beautiful secure courtyard, comfortable living spaces, and a large great room for activities. Allowing residents the opportunities to stay active and engaged does wonders for their personal well being, helping them to connect with the world around them. 

Personalized Care Plans: 

Recognizing that dementia affects each person differently, our care is tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring the highest quality of life for each resident. No matter which stage they’re in, or at what rate their disease is progressing, we strive to always meet our residents right where they are. 

Why Choose CountryHouse for Dementia Care in Omaha, NE?

Our commitment to creating the best memory care experience in Omaha is evident in every aspect of our community. Here’s why many families trust us with their loved ones, and why you should, too:

1. Community-Oriented Approach

At CountryHouse in Omaha, we believe in the power of community. Our approach is to create a supportive, inclusive environment where residents feel part of a larger family. This sense of community is crucial for the well-being of individuals with dementia.

2. Expertise in Dementia Care

Our staff’s specialized training in dementia care ensures that residents receive the best possible support. We stay abreast of the latest advancements in dementia care, applying this knowledge to benefit our residents.

3. Tailored Activities and Programs

We offer a range of activities designed to engage and stimulate the minds of those living with dementia. From music therapy to cognitive games, our programs cater to the diverse interests and abilities of our residents. No matter what they are interested in or their hobbies are, we offer something for everyone. 

A group of senior friends playing cards and laughing

4. Nutrition and Wellness Focus

Good nutrition is vital for health, particularly for those with dementia. Our dining options are not only delicious but also cater to the nutritional needs of our residents, promoting overall wellness.

5. Peaceful and Nurturing Environment

The serene surroundings of our Omaha location, including our beautifully designed courtyard and walking paths, provide a calming and nurturing environment. This setting is particularly beneficial for residents with dementia, offering them tranquility and a connection with nature.

6. Family Involvement and Support

We encourage and facilitate family involvement in the care process. Regular communication, family events, and educational resources ensure that families are well-informed and actively engaged in their loved one’s care.

7. State-of-the-Art Safety Features

Safety is a top priority at CountryHouse. Our community is equipped with state-of-the-art safety features, ensuring that residents are secure while maintaining a comfortable and homelike atmosphere.

8. Convenient Location

Situated in Omaha, our community is easily accessible for families living in and around the city. This convenience is crucial for frequent visits and maintaining strong family connections.

9. Reputation for Excellence

CountryHouse in Omaha is recognized for its excellence in dementia care. Our reputation is built on years of dedicated service and positive feedback from families and healthcare professionals.

10. Ongoing Support and Resources

We provide ongoing support not just for our residents but also for their families. From support groups to educational resources, we ensure that the families of our residents are well-equipped to understand and navigate the journey of dementia care.

By choosing dementia care in Omaha, NE, at CountryHouse, families can be confident that their loved ones are receiving compassionate, expert care in a setting that values each individual’s dignity and quality of life.

Experience the Difference at CountryHouse

At CountryHouse in Omaha, we are dedicated to providing exceptional dementia care in Omaha, NE. Our community features, like the Hearthside neighborhood and various room options, are designed with our residents’ needs in mind. We invite you to contact us and learn more about how we can support your loved one. Visit us and take a tour to experience firsthand the joy and care we offer at CountryHouse, where we make every day meaningful for those living with dementia.

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